Our RAPA ORIGIN premium edition presents our best extra virgin olive oil coming from the finest selection of our picual variety olives harvested on the first fortnight of October.
Our RAPA ORIGIN premium edition presents our best extra virgin olive oil coming from the finest selection of our picual variety olives harvested on the first fortnight of October.
Night-time recollection
The elaboration of early harvest oils requires the maximum care by the time the fruit is obtained. The high temperatures we face at the beginning of October force us to harvest and transport the olive at night in order to keep it in the best conditions until its mill arrival.

Night-time recollection
The elaboration of early harvest oils requires the maximum care by the time the fruit is obtained. The high temperatures we face at the beginning of October force us to harvest and transport the olive at night in order to keep it in the best conditions until its mill arrival.

RAPA is the name of the olive flower in Spanish, also known as trama. From thousands of Rapas (flowers), only 1-2 % will transform into a fruit, but it will be enough to produce a big quality harvest of product and therefore obtain this early extra virgin olive oil in both their varieties: Premium and Family.
Each flower has 4 petals faced in a cross shape. Symmetrically perfect like a four-leaf clover, conserving its distinctive white color petals and yellow seeds among the different varieties of olive.
Programmed to travel hundreds of kilometers to fecundate olive trees of different families, in most cases and we can only enjoy them for a week, since its floration time is ephemeral.
RAPA is the name of the olive flower in Spanish, also known as trama. From thousands of Rapas (flowers), only 1-2 % will transform into a fruit, but it will be enough to produce a big quality harvest of product and therefore obtain this early extra virgin olive oil in both their varieties: Premium and Family.
Each flower has 4 petals faced in a cross shape. Symmetrically perfect like a four-leaf clover, conserving its distinctive white color petals and yellow seeds among the different varieties of olive.
Programmed to travel hundreds of kilometers to fecundate olive trees of different families, in most cases and we can only enjoy them for a week, since its floration time is ephemeral.